Обложка книги «Faces of Grief. Overcoming the Pain of Loss» автора Veronica Semenova. ISBN 9785005118004.
Формат: электронная книга
ISBN: 9785005118004

Faces of Grief. Overcoming the Pain of Loss

Автор: Veronica Semenova
Издательство: Издательские решения
480.00 ₽

Many books are written about grief: what it is and how to deal with it – but no loss is the same. The intensity of grief depends on many different factors. Grief varies between young and old and between cultures and religions, and depends on levels of existing dysfunction and on the nature of death (if the death was expected or sudden). It depends on previous experiences with death and attachment styles, and, of course, interpersonal factors play a very important role, as well.