Обложка книги «Metacopywriting. Mindfulness in advertising text» автора Natalia Maiorova. ISBN 9785005123046.
Формат: электронная книга
ISBN: 9785005123046

Metacopywriting. Mindfulness in advertising text

Автор: Natalia Maiorova
Издательство: Издательские решения
320.00 ₽

Write short, but precisely. So I did. This book is full of rules, tips and theory of copywriting, which you can read in just 40 minutes. You can reread it later, and I am pretty sure you will keep discovering new things. What is neurocopywriting? How to write hypnotic advertising texts? What is the difference between benefits and advantages? What is benefits of benefits? And how to start writing without inspiration and ideas? So, let’s read and find out!