Обложка книги «Teleportation. Technic. Opportunities. The consequences» автора Nikolay Lakutin издание 2019 года. ISBN 9785532082618.
Издание 2019 года
Формат: электронная книга
ISBN: 9785532082618

Teleportation. Technic. Opportunities. The consequences

Автор: Nikolay Lakutin
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
490.00 ₽

Hello, dear friend (gender does not matter as it is an illusion). So we met... You probably don't remember me, I looked different, I had a different name, I had different habits, and I did a lot of things. Today I have come to give you what you have been looking for. Be careful, fight the fate, but do not offend people. I have always loved you, though my actions have sometimes suggested otherwise... love and now. See you later... "hug" and "smile" where words are not needed...

автор Александр Михайловский, Юлия Маркова
автор Алексей Юрасов
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