Обложка книги «The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10» автора Ви Корса издание 2020 года.
Издание 2020 года
Формат: электронная книга

The Mist and the Lightning. Part 10

Автор: Ви Корс
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
199.00 ₽

The next series of the acclaimed series of books.

He opened his mouth and, slightly pulling his tongue forward, showed it to Lis. A rod with a metal ball was inserted in the center of the still slightly swollen tongue, and small rings on both sides; now, when the tongue was still swollen, they fit snugly against the edge and even dug into it, but it was clear that it was quite possible to cling something else to them.

Содержит нецензурную брань.

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