Обложка книги «Thinking out loud… Or who decides?» автора Anna Delenn. ISBN 9785449860637.
Формат: электронная книга
ISBN: 9785449860637

Thinking out loud… Or who decides?

Автор: Anna Delenn
Издательство: Издательские решения
100.00 ₽

In this book the author describes her stories and thoughts on how to find ourselves, how to see habits and rules that prevent us from being ourselves, to find our meaning. To think and understand who decides: we are, ourselves, or the world around us? Everything that happens outside serves only one purpose: to distract us from ourselves.

автор Космовидья
автор Михаил Калдузов, MK
автор Рин Дилин
автор Дэвид Хокинс